This simple psychological principle is called the sheep rush effect, or simply the imitation effect. That is why advertising slogans such as “the number 1 brand in Poland” or “recommended by most doctors” are so popular. These statements provide social proof that the product is worth buying and influence the decisions we make. They also give us a sense of community with our choices. We believe that we are less likely to make the wrong decision if others have made.
The same choice before us. Interestingly, the effect of herd behavior is not only an increase in demand for a given good. It turns out that consumers are willing to buy them at a higher price just because others want to buy them too! How France Phone Number List to promote an online store thanks to this human tendency? Of course, use it to your advantage. How to promote an online store? Check how we can help you with this. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you “Show” your satisfied customers. Today, it is probably the most obvious, common, and at the same time effective technique using the herd behavior effect.
Post customer reviews, testimonials , case studies on the store’s website. In this way, promote your online store in social media, forums, blogs and portals. Make sure your message is clearly visible. Every example of a satisfied customer on the web will help you increase your conversion rates. Why? Because by showing users what made your previous customers happy, you will make them want to experience it too We recommend What is product placement.